Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Summer Time Adventures

As I mentioned in my previous post, I would be writing later about all the things that kept me so busy (and so away) from my blog.

First, and maybe most exciting, my two internships I got for over the summer. My Monday/Wednesday internship was at Mile One Automotive, even if you haven't heard of them - you probably still know them.  They own every other dealership in the area, and continue through PA, VA, and NC.  I am in the marketing department working with the eCommerce director.  I work on projects related to facebook, event marketing, SEO, youtube etc. I am fortunate to have found such a company with many facets to their marketing department, allowing me to gain experience in many areas. They even offered me the chance to apply for a position with the event marketing team about 2 months ago, what a treat!

My second internship was at an upscale catering company called Chef's Expressions.  It is a much smaller company, so it was good to be able to contrast the experience in trying to decide if I preferred a larger or smaller company.  I worked on a number of "regular" almost weekly projects, as well as a couple long term items.  One of those was a website for a big event they are working on called the farmer and the chef (check it out: www.thefarmerandthechefmd.com), I hope you think its pretty! The other was proposing and then moving them from a paper to online referral program.  I also created it to be usable for feedback after events as well.  An exciting concept that I introduced them to was QR codes, which are now a regular part of their postcard mailouts.  I certainly learned a lot with Chef's.

This isn't really anything new, but for those of you who are wondering, yes - I am still with the lovely ladies (and gentleman) at Baltimore County Savings Bank in their Financial Services department working as an administrative assistant. I love it there and am going to stay as long as I can :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Marketing as a Career

Attention fellow aspiring markers: some good news from marketing professional Robert Rose:

"Marketing as a practice is one of the few job sectors that is continuing to grow at the moment. And, the fundamental changes in the practice of marketing are changing the job description -- and creating expansive opportunities for career skills we didn't even know we'd need.
The top-growing job categories for 2011 didn't even exist in 2004 when our newest employees were thinking about going to college. The number of social media jobs has gone up by 600 percent over the past five years. The astronomical growth of social marketing, mobile marketing, content marketing, and other practices has created all new positions on our team.
Additionally, with all the talk about jobs and the economy, it should be noted that the entire marketing category is growing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the industry is expected to increase by 13 percent per year through 2018.

OK, let's be honest -- today's marketer probably doesn't have a marketing degree. If you do, then you're the exception, not the rule. In fact, according to some studies, 10 percent of us are English majors that -- well -- didn't make it with that novel or screenplay in our desk."

If that isn't good news, I don't know what is.

original content on: http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/29885.asp

Monday, September 12, 2011


To all my loyal followers - so sorry I left you for so long.

My summer was a long and busy one, 2 internships, a part time job, (a couple vacations), and 2 summer classes kept me pretty busy.  Needless to say, an update is called for. Be on the lookout for updates on all of the above listed activities.  Lots of good things happened for me this summer, many good learning experiences with positive outcomes.

Now, though, school is starting again. My schedule looks pretty good, minus the never-ending night classes (aka class Monday through Thursday night). Classes are some that I am hoping to gain real world knowledge from - especially my international marketing class. I will also be taking my internship class this semester, which is supposed to be a helpful tool in solidifying a job after college.  

My internship is with Right Source Marketing, located in Canton in the old factory building. I hope to be able to explore the world of content marketing and learn its value, in addition to using that experience as a judge of which kind of marketing I would like to work in after I graduate.  If you want to check them out, please visit: http://www.rightsourcemarketing.com/ but I'm sure you will be hearing more about them in posts to come.
