Monday, April 23, 2012

College ROI

 Since participating in The Associate competition at Towson, I have learned one of the things employers care most about (and rightfully so) is ROI.  When reading my Businessweek today, I came across a set of interesting articles in the "Education" section - the topic mostly being return on investment of college educations.

I was surprised to find a number of articles saying that the ROI was going down from previous years. Even more surprising was that some deliver a negative ROI - how is that even possible? Another interesting graphic that caught my eye was this one:

[partial graphic // full graphic here:]

A lot of schools with low ROI were highly specialized art schools, so I think I will fare ok in the ROI department, and Maryland public universities seem to rank 11th - so I am hopeful.

For more information, check out the link below and search around for related articles - there is lots of interesting stuff (but be careful because its not the most navigable site):
