Sunday, March 13, 2011

The last of Costa Rica - Week 3

The "sand" at Jaco
Wednesday class was class as usual.  Our main 4 page composition was the second half of class today, I am hoping I did well but I know I will get points off for some grammar.  After class we all went to a local health center to learn about the health system there.  Basically, its free and easy to use - the only downside is that sometimes it could be a little slower than you would like because EVERYONE uses the same system and the money allocated to it by the government doesn't allow for more people to be hired, which would make the process a little faster.

Thursday in class we had our big presentations due, on anything about Costa Rica that interested us.  Of course, mine was on Costa Rican immigration and the myths surrounding it.  They have a lot of stereotypes about their most frequent immigrants, Nicaraguans, just as we do about Mexicans. I stayed up late making sure it was perfect.  We also had local artisans come to school during our break and we could buy some souvenirs from them.  I also tried to plan a trip to "Isla Tortuga" today instead of going to another volcano this weekend like we are supposed to - we will see if that goes through.  It's supposed to be SO beautiful!

The brown beach
Friday we had a test as usual, our last one (finally).  I hope I did well because I am really hoping for an A in this class.  Then everyone at school had a big caribbean/tican lunch together, it was absolutely delicious.  After class myself and some friends went back into San Jose to finish our last minute shopping.  While we were there, I managed to find a tour company that would drive all 12 of us to Jaco (a local beach) for only $200, not bad. Weekend plans = set.

My potted gifts!
Saturday we left for Jaco at 8:30.  The drive was about 2.5 hours, but when we got there we were a little surprised.  It was a smaller beach, the sand was a darker brown color and the actual beach part was covered with lots of little rocks.  The sun was also MIA.  We still managed to have some fun, then we showered and came home.  My sister made me a delicious dinner that night! She is such a good cook.

Sunday.  What a sad day.  Did I cry? No, but I'm still not sure how I managed that one.  I got up a little early to shower and told my sisters I wanted to go to the store for some snacks.  I really was planning on going to the local florist to get some really nice thank you flowers for them, but of course they were closed.  I finally found a plant store and got two little potted flowers, one was purple to represent me (its my favorite color) and one was pink to represent their family.  They loved them! (thank goodness)  Turns out they also got me a small gift, a pair of earrings.  They noticed I like to wear them when I get dressed up to go out.  They happened to match the shirt I was wearing home so I put them on right away and wore them all the way home.

I will never forget my time in Costa Rica; the things I saw and did, the places I went, the things I learned, and most importantly, the people I met.

Mi Casa
All packed up, SO not ready to go...

Mi Familia Tica

If you ever have the chance to go - take it. The only thing you will regret, is having to leave.
